9.07.08 Tamara and Sergio's Wedding at McLoone's Pier House - Long Branch, NJ


I don't know what it is about Jersey Shore Weddings but they are always so much fun! Maybe it's the fun loving Jersey Shore couples or the sound of the waves or the sand between your toes but Jersey Shore weddings are always magical.

Tamara and Sergio were married at McLoon'e Pier House in Long Branch. The view was amazing since it right on the beach and they opened the windows so the sounds of the ocean are always in the background. Well at least from what you could make out over the sounds of the fabulous band named the "A" band. They were great and I never saw so many people dance from a band playing.

Tamara and Sergio were a great couple and both were funky dancers. I mean funky as it they let it all loose and aren't afraid to look silly. When the bride and groom dancing really gets the crowd going so take that as a tip to all my future couples. The dance floor was so crowded that my assistant, Tracy and I barely had room to shoot.

One thing I must say about the couple is they gave me so much time out of their wedding day to take pictures. I greatly appreciate when couples do this because it allows us to create the most beautiful pictures. We actually took pictures at two beaches as well as the church, the house and the reception......well with an 11 hour day you can fit this all in :) I had such a hard time picking which photos to post on the blog. Well be sure to check out the slideshow for more great photos.

Click here to view The Slide Show of Tamara and Sergio 9.07.08